Monday 13 February 2017

Top 5 most beloved shirts

Let’s get this straight! The reason you are reading this blog is that you too like us think that the most important and influential thing that one notices about someone is the way that they dress. Don’t you? And why not? Appearances play a vital role in making impressions professionally or personally. This being the reason many companies have made it mandatory for their employees to follow formal dressing etiquettes.

However, we are here today to talk about the top 5 most loved shirts by men. These shirts have made their mark by saving you from dressing disasters and also managed to get you a few head turns. So here we go with the list.

Classic white shirt:

Going by the name this classic white shirt does most of the work for you. Apart from matching most of the trousers in your wardrobe this shirt nails the perfect business look for you. I am sure many of you would agree when I say that, this shirt is the ideal option when you want to make an impression.

Linen shirt

Linen shirt is a shirt made from the fibers of the flax plant. Due to their quality of staying cool in a hot climate, these shirts are immensely popular among men. As many times men are required to wear business suits for meetings, a linen shirt provides the much-needed freshness and comfort.  This type of shirt is perfect for hot climatic conditions.

Striped shirt

As rightly said that stripes never go out of style. The striped shirt is so popular that even today; most professionals prefer to opt for a striped shirt when going for an important meeting. There are many varieties of striped shirts available in market these days.

Chequered shirt

The chequered shirt is also among the most favorite shirts when it comes to attend formal events. Basically chequered shirts are classified in two type namely large chequered shirt and small chequered shirt. While small chequered shirt is considered appropriate when attending formal events, large chequered shirt is ideal for casual events. 

Solid colour shirt

This type of shirt mostly dominates every man’s wardrobe. Solid colour shirts are shirts that are basically plain in dark in colour. These type of shirt also proves to be an excellent match for any type and color of trouser which makes it a preferred choice.

We are sure that you own each of the above types of shirts and in case you don’t check our latest collection to find one.

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